Jan van den Brand, Peng, Binghui , Song, Zhao , and Weinstein, Omri . 2021. “Training (Overparametrized) Neural Networks In Near-Linear Time”. In 12Th Innovations In Theoretical Computer Science Conference, Itcs 2021, January 6-8, 2021, Virtual Conference, 185:Pp. 63:1–63:15. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.ITCS.2021.63. Publisher's Version
Young Kun-Ko and Weinstein, Omri . 2020. “An Adaptive Step Toward The Multiphase Conjecture”. In 61St Ieee Annual Symposium On Foundations Of Computer Science, Focs 2020, Durham, Nc, Usa, November 16-19, 2020, Pp. 752–761. IEEE. doi:10.1109/FOCS46700.2020.00075. Publisher's Version
Emanuele Viola, Weinstein, Omri , and Yu, Huacheng . 2020. “How To Store A Random Walk”. In Proceedings Of The 2020 Acm-Siam Symposium On Discrete Algorithms, Soda 2020, Salt Lake City, Ut, Usa, January 5-8, 2020, Pp. 426–445. SIAM. doi:10.1137/1.9781611975994.26. Publisher's Version
Kasper Green Larsen, Malkin, Tal , Weinstein, Omri , and Yeo, Kevin . 2020. “Lower Bounds For Oblivious Near-Neighbor Search”. In Proceedings Of The 2020 Acm-Siam Symposium On Discrete Algorithms, Soda 2020, Salt Lake City, Ut, Usa, January 5-8, 2020, Pp. 1116–1134. SIAM. doi:10.1137/1.9781611975994.68. Publisher's Version
Alexander Golovnev, Posobin, Gleb , Regev, Oded , and Weinstein, Omri . 2020. “Polynomial Data Structure Lower Bounds In The Group Model”. In 61St Ieee Annual Symposium On Foundations Of Computer Science, Focs 2020, Durham, Nc, Usa, November 16-19, 2020, Pp. 740–751. IEEE. doi:10.1109/FOCS46700.2020.00074. Publisher's Version
Sandip Sinha and Weinstein, Omri . 2019. “Local Decodability Of The Burrows-Wheeler Transform”. In Proceedings Of The 51St Annual Acm Sigact Symposium On Theory Of Computing, Stoc 2019, Phoenix, Az, Usa, June 23-26, 2019, Pp. 744–755. ACM. doi:10.1145/3313276.3316317. Publisher's Version
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